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League Homepage

@@successbox:"League Page":
Standings - Scoreboard - Transactions - Free Agents - Hall of Fame - Forums - Chat - Amateur Draft - League Financials - League LM Check - Batting (season) - Pitching (season) - Batting (career) - Pitching (career)@@ @@successbox:League Status: 1981 season active (regular season in progress)
League Date: 9/13/1981
League Salary Cap: $65 Million
Simulation Speed: 8 game days per calendar day (every 3 hours)
League Type: Mentor League (commissioners: humie87, craig1234, Miroku20X6, G Sparks; mentors: humie87, G Sparks, smittias, Vashon, craig1234, Miroku20X6)
League Message: Best of luck down the stretch. Trade deadline was 9/1@@

Your League

Under the league name are links to some areas you will be looking at from time to time (some of these pages can be reached from your team page as well.)

  • Current Standings - Shows how your team is doing compared to others.

  • Scoreboard - Shows the games and results for each of the last 6 sim days for the league.

  • Transactions - Shows the last 100 transactions by any team in the league.

  • Free Agents - List of free agent players your team can potentially sign. Free Agents

  • Hall Of Fame - Shows the hall of fame inductees for the given league.

  • Forum - Shortcut to the forum section devoted to that league.

  • Chat - Shortcut to the chat room devoted to that league.

  • Amateur Draft - Shows the league's amateur draft page.

  • League Financials - Shows the Total, Front Office, Active, AAA and LM payroll of every team in your league.

  • League LM Check - The most important information on this page is the "Room For Picks" column. A team is only allowed to have 20 players in the Low Minors (LM). This tells you if you have enough room for your three draft picks.

  • Batting (Season) - Shows the league's current season batting stats.

  • Pitching (Season) - Shows the league's current season pitching stats.

  • Batting (Career) - Shows the league's career batting stats.

  • Pitching (Career) - Shows the league's career pitching stats.

  • League Status - Describes whether the league is currently in the regular season, play-offs, or off season. Also tells what year the league is playing.

  • Game Day - What calendar day on the schedule the league is in.

  • Simulation Speed - How quickly this league's calendar moves - 2, 4, or 8 games per day.

  • League Type - Public or Private. Private leagues require a password to join when formed.

  • League Message
    A message from a league commissioner. Can be used to inform the league of dates, events, or matters they feel are important. Also allows you to enter an url link.


This shows the division breakdown of the league, the team names, and the individual (franchise), (franchise) owning the team (ifif the team is currently owned.)owned. All leagues are currently formed as four divisions with each division consisting of six teams, (afor a total of 24 teams.)teams. Teams remain in the same division throughout the history of the league.

The team and franchise names listed are also links to that team and/or franchise. This is a quick way to go look at the roster and lineups of the other teams in the league.

Seasonal History

The groups on the rest of the page are links and award information for the past and current seasons of the league. You can also use the League Stats page for further statistical information. Choose a finished season and click on "Select Different Leaders and Search Criteria" at the top of the page.